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Working Overseas
海外での自律的キャリア開発 Building a Career Overseas:
Transnational Entrepreneurs, International Civil Servants
Career & Entrepreneurship Education in Japan

Japanese Entrepreneurship in Southeast Asia: Learning From Cases
This is the English version of our book, "東南アジアで起業するケースから学ぶキャリア開発" which was published in Japanese by Bunshindo. Please feel free to download and use the chapters in your classes. Just click on the chapter to download the file. Each chapter has questions and tasks at the end to engage your students. You can read the preface here. If you decide to use it in your classes, we'd love to hear from you.
Drop us a line by clicking on the icon:


Career Planning: Designing Your Own Life

Preparing to Start a Business

Creating a Business Proposal
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